IT infrastructure and cybersecurity are undergoing a vast transformation in the “NEW NOW.” What can you do to prepare yourself to skillfully navigate through these changing times? Watch this short clip from Bob Sale, Enterprise Account Manager at Nth Generation, on why IT professionals should attend Nth Symposium this year.
CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO: https://youtu.be/wCx4YaDwqJs
Mark your calendars for October 7, 8 & 9! Experience Nth Symposium like never before, and dive into the “NEW NOW: Navigating Accelerating Digital Transformation,” featuring: Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Synnex Corporation, Arctic Wolf Networks, #Darktrace, Fortinet, Intel, Qumulo, Varonis, AMD, Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company, Cohesity, Cradlepoint, ExaGrid, Extreme Networks, NutanixPure Storage, Securiti.AI, Tintri by DDN, Veeam Software, Zerto, Cylance Inc., Commvault, iland Cloud Infrastructure, Ivanti, Komprise, Mimecast, Nasuni, NVIDIA, Proofpoint, Rubrik, Silver Peak Systems, VMware and WEKA.
Register Now: https://www.nthsymposium.com/