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Celebrating Women's Health Month with Nth's Cassi Benavides

With the month of May recognized as Women's Health Month, we wanted to take a moment to celebrate Nth Generation's newest mommy-to-be, Cassi Benavides!

Cassi joined the Nth team in July of 2021 as our Payroll & Benefits Specialist. Cassi is very passionate about benefits administration, as well as supporting the health and wellness of our Nth team members. She is also exceptionally interested in guarding her own health and also doing what is best for our planet. We were thrilled when a few months ago, Cassi shared the news that she is expecting her first baby boy! We recently connected with Cassi to learn a little bit more about her thoughts as a new mommy-to-be and the importance of continuing to prioritize her overall health – physical, psychological, emotional and social – as well as the health of that little bundle of joy she will soon deliver.

Cassi, you are in your final trimester and due to give birth next month. How are you feeling? I’m feeling centered and connected to my body – I don’t think many things will make you more in awe and profoundly appreciative of your own power than growing a human. I’m also feeling anxious, excited, nervous, and slightly overwhelmed. But mostly excited!

Do you have any health-related tips when it comes to balancing work with all that comes with being pregnant? Being patient with yourself & listening to your body – which can also be said about every day – pregnant or not. I can’t think I “should” feel or act the same way during pregnancy as I did pre-pregnancy. For example, if I’m especially tired on a certain day, instead of feeling like I “shouldn’t be” tired or trying to push myself, I might tell my boss that I am tired today but I’m doing my best and know that it’s okay to take a nap right after work without judging myself for how I feel. I’m also very lucky to work at a company that is so supportive! The ladies I work with have been amazing during my pregnancy journey. My boss even hosted a baby shower for me at her house!

Did you make any health-related goals for yourself going into the pregnancy? If so, how has that gone for you? My goals were to: 1) eat nutrient-dense foods so my little boy has the best start at life that I can give him; 2) maintain my meditation practice and mind/body connection; and 3) remain as active as possible, while listening to my body and adapting as my belly has grown. I think I’ve done my best in all of those areas and I’m happy with how it’s gone.

Have there been any pregnancy health-related surprises? Honestly, no. I had some of the usual things first trimester, but no major surprises. It’s been a beautiful season of life and I’ve enjoyed every moment.

Has it been harder or easier to focus on your health while pregnant? For me, it’s been about the same as before. I’ve always been very interested in taking responsibility for my own health. One of my hobbies is learning about traditional medicines, such as Ayurveda, traditional Chinese medicine, and other things that have brought health and vitality from traditional cultures.

Do you have any health-related tips for any women who might become pregnant in the future? I would say find the best way you can to manage your unique life’s stressors. Stress – whether from repressed personal past issues or what is occurring today – can completely shut down some of our most-needed hormones. There’s a lot to unpack in that sentence, but from a high level, that’s my #1 tip.

Have there been any podcasts, social media accounts, blogs, or books that have encouraged you during this season in your health journey? I have a lot, but I’ll narrow it down. I go for a walk almost every day while listening to a podcast. A few of my favorites have been Healthy as a Mother, Mastering Your Fertility, and Wise Traditions. As for books, I’ve really liked The Mama Natural Week-by-Week Pregnancy and Childbirth Guide and The First 40 Days. A social media account I really like is "Life with Kate."

Do you have any favorite practices or activities that really boost your health and well-being? Making time for myself to relax or do an activity I love, even if it’s 15 minutes some days. And going on walks is an absolute must for me.

As you can probably tell, we are very much looking forward to our newest member of the Nth Kiddo Club! We hope this glimpse into Cassi’s life has served as encouragement and has highlighted the importance of making YOU and YOUR HEALTH a priority during every season of life.


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