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Service Contract Management

As IT and Cybersecurity become more complex at exponential speeds, managing your infrastructure can be cumbersome.

Nth Generation can help.

Outsource your
Maintenance Contract Management
with a partner you can trust.

Nth Contract services can help in the following areas:

Consolidate support agreements and synchronize contract termination dates

Assist in the determination of optimal hardware support levels

Simplify invoicing and eliminate the risk of maintenance coverage lapses

Provide online, real-time access and visibility to contract data

Act as your service delivery champion for selected manufacturers

Ensure maintenance contracts match IT inventory

Manage software licensing keys

Analyze replace versus maintain cost benefit scenarios

Provide a single point of contact for all support contract management

Act as your service delivery champion for selected manufacturers

What is

IT Service Management is a critical aspect of best-in-class IT organizations. This process-based practice aligns IT services with the needs of a company, highlights customer benefits, and emphasizes IT efficiency.  A related aspect of IT Service Management is the selection and management of your manufacturer supported contracts portfolio.

It is vital to ensure that your infrastructure is supported by the appropriate Service Level Agreement.


Administration of these contracts, and safeguarding they match inventory, can be costly if not systematically managed. 


Without effective support contract management, your organization runs the risk of potential downtime and service loss to your customers.

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Rick Melendres
Service Contract Manager

Contact Nth Generation for an assessment of how well your critical applications are supported by your existing levels of manufacturer service level agreements. 

Nth Generation can provide a cost of downtime study and validate your infrastructure support requirements.

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